Caption Colors Formatting in Articulate Storyline

Caption Colors Formatting in Articulate Storyline CC
Caption Colors Formatting in Articulate Storyline CC

Ever wished to change the default caption colors in Articulate Storyline to match your branding? Well, I’ve got a nifty solution for you!

Step 1: Set Your Variables

  1. Create a text variable named “BackgroundColor” (Input your desired HEX Color, e.g., “#FF2E63”).
  2. Create a text variable named “TextColor” (Input your desired HEX Color, e.g., “#F9F7F7”.)
Caption Colors Formatting in Articulate Storyline

Step 2: Set up a JavaScript Trigger

  1. On your course’s first slide, set up a JavaScript Trigger when the timeline starts on the slide.
  2. Paste the given code to execute the color customization.

Pro Tip: Watch the video for a smooth step-by-step tutorial.

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